Uncategorized: Cathy Ward Christian Berst Christine Sefolosha David MacLagan Eugene von Burenchenhein Halle Saint Pierre John Maizels Julia Elmore Laurent Danchin Line Let Loose Ody Saban Outside In Outsider Art Fair Raphael Lonne Raw Vision Magazine The Running Horse Contemporary Art Space
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Whirlwinds and Portals
‘Line Let Loose’ by David Maclagan
It has happened again. Things Have accumulated and I have not blogged them. I will try to keep it concise! Firstly, as I mentioned earlier in the year, a book called ‘Line Let Loose‘ featuring some of my creations on the cover and pages within, exists and is pretty exciting for me. It was meant to come out quite a few months back but there were some delays. As you can see in the photo below though, it actually exists now. I have this advance copy, and the rest should be out in November. I have finished reading it and while it is relentlessly on topic, exploring all sorts of angles, I like that and it certainly makes for an interesting account in regards to the history of scribbling, doodling, mediumistic/automatic-drawing, and examines crossovers and various aspects of these forms of expression. target=”_blank”>David Maclagan has written a fair bit over the decades, as well as being an artist in his own right, having given lectures and is also a retired art therapist. It’s an honour to have my drawing on the wraparound cover of this book!
Parisian Whirlwind
I’m in Beirut right now, counting the hours until the opening of my solo exhibition ‘Portals‘. More about that later. On my way to Beirut, I came through Paris and stayed there for four nights so that I could check out the first ever edition of the Outsider Art Fair to be hosted in Paris (after something like 20 years of it taking place in New York). I had a great time and while I don’t really ever speak to anyone during these things, or if I do it tends to be in somewhat of a subdued manner, but this time even just being myself and acting natural, there was a fluidity at times which was really pleasant. I met some interesting people and had an altogether different experience. There was still strange stuff in the air, sure, but that’s to be expected. But anyhow, I arrived on the Eurostar (£34 ticket!) at 6pm and then had just an hour to go drop off my luggage and find my way to a 2 hour conference on Art Brut from America.. It was a great way to start the trip, going head on into re-configuring my mindset to listening and trying to understand French. I got at least half of it. Having a French eduction until the age of 9 or so, my vocabulary is limited but I do ok. I spotted two people in the audience that my eye returned to a few times. One I was quite sure is Ody Saban, an artist I have admired for many years and have had a little correspondence with over the years. The other, I felt was Christine Sefolosha, though I’d only seen a couple of photos of her before and so couldn’t be sure, but she did glance over at me a couple of times, and we had also corresponded a little bit. I love Christine’s work also. Magical stuff. It felt funny to start the trip in the presence of two such ‘heroines’, neither of which I’d never met before. I chatted with Christine a bit and we took the train.. The following day was the opening of the fair, which interestingly took place at a hotel that had been hired in its entirety. Each guest room was used by a different gallery, with art works propped up in bathtubs and folders of drawings spread out on beds, stuff hung on the walls, etc.. Some of the gallerists even slept in the beds (at night)! I liked it in theory, but it wasn’t very practical at the opening with the narrow corridors etc.. Naturally some great works were on show. I was particularly pleased to see this small Raphael Lonne drawing kind of hidden at the bottom of a wall.. I showed John Maizels from Raw Vision magazine the advance copy of David Maclagan’s Line Let Loose that I had with me, and he agreed that it was beautifully printed and proceeded to show it to a few people in the surrounding area. I also showed it to Ody as she had an image in the book also, and of course hadn’t seen it yet. I went from there with my friend Julia Elmore to another gallery where a group exhibition was taking place, featuring works by Christine Sefolosha and it was an absolute joy to have Christine give us a tour of the show and to talk about her work. It meant a lot to me that Christine liked my work when I showed some of it to her. To get a genuine positive reaction from someone you look up to, there’s nothing quite like it. Both Christine and Ody were very friendly and supportive. I had a nice time chatting with Ody over a coffee the following day and then we went for some lunch with Laurent Danchin, which was very pleasant indeed. We spoke on various topics and it was a rather insightful experience. The following night my friend Anne-Cecile and I checked out the party at the Halle st.Pierre celebrating the Raw Vision exhibition which was spectacular (and will be on until next August I believe!), and then on my last night I went to the party at the Christian Berst gallery and caught up with artist Cathy Ward and Jennie from Outside In while the Eugene von Burenchenhein photography show was in effect. I’ve got to send a special shout out to Rebecca Hoffman for making this great trip possible! Here’s a photo of Ody Saban and I.. and one I took of her with Laurent Danchin..
My solo exhibition at The Running Horse in Beirut. I’ve been working on spiral-based paintings for this show since last year, and I’ve been painting spirals for long enough to forget when that all began. I’ve been jotting down a lot of reflections on how this show came to be, what making spirals means to me, various observations about the spiral in nature, life, ‘art’, and in history in general. So, I really don’t feel like writing more about it right now! I could copy my notes into here.. it might make for excruciating reading. I will spare you for now I think. So the show opens very soon, what I’ll do is, I’ll write a next post all about it then..
Cashew soon..
Boy shows you his... Boy talks Boy travels Uncategorized: Carrousel du Louvre Circus Terminal Drawing Now Paris emi miyashita Impact Art Fair Julia Sisi Liz Parkinson Outside In Outsider Art Outsider Art Amsterdam Running Horse Contemporary Arts Space
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Further ongoing adventures..
I’m back from Amsterdam. Nice place. Pockets of land with windy water passages throughout. The place is not short of record stores. Good to see that vinyl all around town. The Circus Terminal came to town and we had a lot of fun..
Circus Terminal Amsterdam
The opening took place last Saturday at Amsterdam Outsider Art. With 85 artists from 19 countries being represented, you certainly get an overwhelming sensation of creative energy channeled through your optical orifices through to your brain, soul, and wherever else allows. A dynamic experience for sure, with raw ox meat and olives tantalising the taste-buds and illusory potential brides in a seemingly physical form, interacting with the onlookers. She was also there the following day, I am pretty sure, though perhaps I was just in a strange dream. There are photos though, so it must have been real. Click on these to see larger images..

And then we hit the pub. Check out our Circus Terminal Amsterdam customised drink mats. Featuring Sisi, Liz, Bea, Gareth, Susan, and Carlo. Nok’s was in production at time of photo.
The following day, I took it upon myself to lead and initiate a collaborative piece, which we enjoyed adding to for a couple of hours in the garden. So far there have been contributions from 7 artists and the canvas is open to addition until the exhibition ends August 17th, so if you’re in the area, make sure you get down there! Entry is free. I’ve got a few photos of fellow Circus Terminalists Julia Sisi and Liz Parkinson getting involved with the collaborative canvas. I’ll post a photo of the (hopefully) finished canvas in my next blog entry. Gotta send a shout-out to Nok and Bert for all their energy going into putting this all together. Also, was nice to meet Susan and Emily from Studio B based out of Boyertown, Philadelphia, USA who hosted the last Circus Terminal incarnation. I think the next one might take place in Slovenia? or Serbia? Oh wait! Before that, there is one in London, UK in early September. Stay tuned for details…

Gareth adding his bit. I went on to put a stream under Sisi’s ark.. I also did a half octpus half elephant half snail, no photo yet though.
Maybe it’s just my tinnitus, but turn your volume way down..
The Running Horse Contemporary Arts Space
So, I’m off to Beirut to continue to put in motion (in more ways than one) some things to do with my big solo exhibition happening in November at The Running Horse Contemporary Arts Space and very much look forward to seeing Emi Miyashita‘s solo show which is currently on. Here’s some photos of what I remember from the Drawing Now Paris art fair which took place at the Carrousel du Louvre (I mainly remember seafood, but you can also see some Miyashita drawings nicely configured with many curious onlookers, and a few people looking at my drawing)..
Here’s some photos from my last Beirut trip..
Outside In / Impact Art Fair
Finally, when I get back from Beirut, on the very same day in fact, I’ll be picking up art works and rushing over to the Impact Art Fair in Brixton, London, UK to help out with Outside In‘s booth. The day I’m speaking of is Thursday 25th July. I’ll enjoy the preview night (I will!) and then head over and do a little DJ set at The Sun also in Brixton. That’s the plan anyway, but considering I have to get up at 4am and nomadically transport myself around for the following 20 hours, I might not make it to The Sun, but I really want to! I think I will. I can be a trooper. I’ll also be at the Impact Art Fair on Sunday 28th July (the last day) invigilating the Outside In booth, so if you’re around, do drop in and check out some art! Come keep me company.. all of the above.
Final Thoughts
I can’t seem to get into the habit of writing these blog entries more regularly, in more digestible doses, but I suppose it goes with my character to build and build and build and then deliver, so that’s the way it is. If you’ve cared to read this far down, good on you! I’ll be back with more in a while, but be sure to check some of the above stuff out when it’s happening.
Enjoy the summer,
Boy shows you his... Boy talks Boy travels Uncategorized: A Joyful Noise Annoushka Jewelery Arkestra Circus Terminal Dannielle Hodson David Johnson France InPerson Jasna Nikolic Jazz Jean Dubuffet Retrospective Liverdun Lorraine Marshall Allen Mixcloud Morris Minor Outside In Outside In:National Pallant House Gallery Radio Rose Knox-Peebles Royal Academy Workshop Saatchi Online Station898fm.net Sun Ra Transitions
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The Universe and Shit…
No, I’m Not Drawing Parallels About the Universe and Feces…
That would be difficult to draw. Or maybe not? Anyway, I will, however, summarize what’s been going on with me and stuff. Hmmm.. thinking about it now, it may make more sense to post a few blog updates rather than make one overwhelming intense block of information.. but I’ve started now, so…
Jazz Radio Show
I’ve been doing a weekly Jazz radio show which can be listened to live every Tuesday via www.station898fm.net if you go to where it says ‘listen’ and click on the link that opens in itunes or realplayer etc… I think it may not work with certain browsers. Anyhow, this is at around 11am-1pm GMT. I also upload the shows to my archive on Mixcloud, here. Towards the end of September I aired a two and a half hour Sun Ra special that I, modesty aside, put together quite thoroughly and in as much detail as I could within the time constraints. So whether you are a fan or want to begin your learning journey, go check it out. I chronologically play music that Sun Ra and his Arkestra made from 1955 until the present day, almost playing something for every year. I narrate passages from the excellent biography, and play a few portions of the wonderful documentary target=”_blank”>A Joyful Noise. Lastly, I even inserted an interview I conducted over the phone with Marshall Allen, who currently leads the Arkestra and has now been doing so for almost 20 years. He is currently 89 years of age and joined the group in 1958, so if you’re curious, you know what to do.
Circus Terminal in France
Much to my surprise, the Circus Terminal have included some of my prints in an exhibition they had at a chateaux in Liverdun, Lorraine, France. I was browsing their photo album on a certain face-based website and I saw this photo! :
I do like how my work forces people to get closer and make an effort to look. Interestingly, something I am working on right now requires standing quite far away from it to see it properly.. Sometimes these things occur to me by surprise. I didn’t intend to do the opposite, but a lot of my work explores push and pull, paradoxes etc, so even on a subconscious level I seem to be putting these angles in.
London Show at Annoushka with Outside In
Myself, Dannielle Hodson and Jasna Nikolic are showing in a group show at Jewellery boutique Annoushka just off of the King’s Road in London, near Sloane Square tube station. If you are around, do drop in and take a look. It’s on until the 20th October, and a rare London outing of my work! Art collector (and lovely lady) Rose Knox-Peebles put it quite nicely when she said to me: “Your bit of wall was magnificent – just black and grey amongst all the bling.” The opening was quite prestigious and interesting. The fancy dinner at Hix Belgravia after tasted just marvelous, courtesy of Coutts private bank. Yes it was all rather surreal. I didn’t take a camera and though there were lots of flashing lights, they didn’t seem interested in the artists, but rather models, dogs and local celebrity. I am a little bit visible in photo 15/15, on the right, in the darkness, look closely, next to Jennie from Outside In.. yes, we’re all in the same universe!
Saatchi Popularity Contest
Just across the street from Annoushka, Saatchi are doing another popularity contest and I have entered again, though am not campaigning hard like I did around the same time last year. I’ve penetrated the consciousness of Saatchi Gallery’s Director and am hoping she will cross the street and go look at my work at Annousha, though I doubt she will. Her reply simply addressed my cynicism regarding their voting system, which she claims has changed since last year, though I challenged her on these claims. Anyhow, I will shut up. Click, look, and click again, if you care to vote for me. the theme is ‘places and spaces’, so I entered my Morris Minor.
Outside In: National and Jean Dubuffet
Well, it’s almost time for the Outside In:National exhibition launch! I’m quite excited about this on several levels. It will take place at the one and only Pallant House Gallery in Chichester, UK. I was on the selection committee and given the exciting/hellish task of assessing the 2,310 entries which have now been averaged out based on the 4 selectors results, into around 80 or so art works that will go on display from 27th Oct- 3rd Feb 2013. Running alongside this exhibition will be ‘Transitions’, a retrospective of Jean Dubuffet’s work from 20th Oct- 3rd Feb 2013. I have been commissioned to make an art work which will be made into a limited edition print that will be given to the supporters of the exhibition. Those who have helped fund it, and those who are lending work, from museums and private collections etc… My original will also be exhibited within the retrospective.
Royal Academy Workshop
While I’m here, I may as well mention an InPerson ‘art jam’-themed workshop I am doing with David Johnson at the Royal Academy of Arts, London. It’s a little way off still but as I don’t post in the blogtopus very often,… It’s on November 9th from 6-8pm and will involve collaborative art making, in various forms.
Well, there you have it.
Look mum (/mom), I’m a busy boy!
Carlo. x
Boy talks Uncategorized: 100 Curators 100 Days Flora Fairbairn James Lake Outside In Richard Wilson Saatchi Online
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Carlo Still Exists…
Yes, it’s true.. I still exist…
So, I haven’t been updating the blog in recent months. Fear not. I am still actively making my mark(s). What to tell you…. Well, I spent a couple of weeks assessing 2,310 art works for the Outside In: National competition/exhibition. Quite a dynamic process indeed! I’m really looking forward to the exhibition now. It’s interesting being on this side of things. 3 years ago, i was submitting work and was one of the 6 winners as an outcome, and have gone from strength to strength ever since, thanks to Outside In’s continual support too.
What else, what else.. Well, staying with the Outside In stuff, they’ve just successfully exhibited Outside In:London at the Cafe Gallery in Southwark Park. To go with this, James Lake‘s GoldRun:Remix was exhibited/performed at Dilston Grove, also in Southwark Park. I was in awe when I caught it last Sunday. Unfortunately both of these shows are over now, but I got a couple of photos of James Lake’s cardboard creations, as he cuts lots of thin strips of cardboards to create his work. Simply beautiful stuff.. It was good to finally meet him, and I also had a little chat with Richard Wilson who mentored James through the project. He’s a pleasant fellow. I expressed my inability to process logic in regards to the Saatchi Gallery’s re-assembling of his large pool of oil piece (’20:50′ I think it was called?), and their not letting people walk into the piece as originally intended. That is what makes the piece, in my opinion, and I was quite sure this was the point of it, physically/mentally. I experienced it the way it should be experienced, around the turn of the century. Wilson said he had no rights over it now and he seemed to agree it’s a shame, but even if they were to have people queuing, they are afraid that in that space, people would throw things in the oil, or that some would spill etc.. Was good to ask Wilson about it though, and to hear his view..
In other news, I was recently featured by curator Flora Fairbairn in her selection of 10 artists on Saatchi Online’s 100 Curators 100 Days. The concept, birthed by the Director of the Saatchi Gallery in London, is that each day for 100 days, a different hand-picked curator will ‘exhibit’ 10 artists that they’ve picked out from the 64,000+ artists on the Saatchi Online website.
That’s all for now but things are simmering. I’ll bring it to the table when it’s cooked.
Bye for now,
Boy shows you his... Boy talks Boy travels: Brian Robert Gibson Dolly Sen Exhibition Fringe Arts Bath Mandie Saw Mandy Webb Mercedes Gil Michelle Kral Outside In Step Up Sugarglider Within Withou You
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Within Without You
Fringe Arts Bath
So, I was in Bath last Friday for the opening of Within Without You, one of the group shows taking place at The Pet Store in Bath as part of the 2012 Fringe festival. I’d decided to show my Sugar Glider vs Octopus painting and a drawing I did of an owl prior to our ending up at the fitting animal-related venue, interestingly. I just googled it to see if there is any history on the place that I could drop some knowledge on. Mysteriously not. Here is a photo of the entrance though, and I’m super glad to be showing art here:
Speaking of animals, I found a nice little Italian spot where I had a luxurious dinner of cow meat. I ended up at a bar later and saw this though:
Maybe next time.
I was literally running to go pick up a sculpture for the show when I decided to stop and take a photo of the lovely scenery, and given I was sort of still running when I took the photo, it’s surprising that the photo is not blurred and actually not badly composed. Bath is full of picturesque scenery like this:
So, here’s a few photos of the show.. (by the way, if you click on the images, they get bigger)
It was good to catch up with a few of the Outside In and Step Up cohorts. Massive respect to Brian Robert Gibson for putting us all on and bringing this all together. Unfortunately I received a sharp instant pain in my lower back while painting a skirting board earlier in that day and am trying to recover from it now. Hope to be back in action asap.
The show continues until June 10th, so go check out Bath and the Fringe festival in the next couple of weeks if you aren’t too far away. Weather has been pleasant, so perhaps check out the open air natural mineral spring water pool at the Bath spas.. I did, it wasn’t half bad.
Until next time…..
Boy talks Uncategorized: Impact Art Fair James Lake Neal Pearce Nick Blinko Outside In Pallant House Gallery
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Outside In
Writing About Writing…
So, I was ambassadoring (not a real word, apparently) for Outside In at the Impact Art Fair today. I got to sit beside a lovely Scottie Wilson painting of some fishies, and talk to people about the Outside In project and how thankful I am to have been involved thus far on several levels. To my surprise, among the many flyers and information sheets about Outside In that we had to give out today, was the latest edition of the Pallant Press, which contains an article I wrote when I was asked to select three Outside In artists in order to ‘curate’ an article accompanied by their images. I chose Nick Blinko, James Lake, and Neal Pearce. To see their work, click on the names in the previous sentence. Read my article here. Another pleasant surprise was that Neal Pearce actually had his own stand at the fair, so I got to meet the man and check out all the work he brought along with him.
A page from Neal Pearce’s Infinite Codex.
- Neal Pearce – Infinite Codex, book 12, page 55