Boy talks: Alfred Tarazi Daniel Johnston Don Van Vliet Hans Feibusch Nick Blinko Palais de Tokyo Pat Douthwaite Rasha Kahil Running Horse Contemporary Arts Space Saatchi Online Slick Art Fair Step Up vagina Wesley Willis
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Eggsciting Occurrences
Eggsciting Occurrences
Several eggs have hatched as of late.
Firstly, I have been running a few workshops for both Hans Feibusch Club and Step Up, both having taken place at Pallant House Gallery in Chichester. It’s been great fun and I hope to do more workshops soon. The Feibusch workshops were based on my own design and we looked at the work of Nick Blinko, Wesley Willis, Daniel Johnston, and Don Van Vliet, exploring the relationship between visual art and music when existing within a single person, and the way subconsciously, or consciously, often similar processes are used through the different mediums, due to the characteristics in one’s personality. In the Step Up workshop, we looked at the work of Pat Douthwaite and spent the morning drawing and painting with our ‘alternate hands’ in order to free up and execute the work from a different place. It can be quite enjoyable. Try it if you wish..
The image below of Wesley Willis’s lyrics mirrors the structures of his songs, and the way his lyrics are written also reflect his systematic drawing style. An example of how process is similarly applied throughout his output.
In other news, I seem to have found myself absorbed into a form of popularity contest. I first entered the Saatchi Online Showdown competition back in 2007 and realized that unless I was going to fully campaign to get all sorts of people to vote for me, there was no chance of ‘winning’. I think what happened this time was the competition is solely based on drawings and upon seeing this, for whatever reason I felt like entering a drawing in a momentarily passive state of activity. I didn’t look back at it until it came to my attention via email again a couple of weeks later, and I was made aware that I was in 364th place of 1200. Also, I discovered the top 300 make it to the next phase of voting, the jury vote. So I had a sort of incentive to apply further effort, having achieved this placement without telling a single soul about it, getting only votes from random people on the site thus far. The result of my asking for votes, and actually enjoyably connecting with people I may not correspond with often and having this little reason to underlying, was my floating between 128-270, which has been fluctuating quite dramatically, but remaining in the top 300. This public voting phase ends tomorrow sometime, so if anyone is reading this and hasn’t voted and would care to, please click here It’s my little over-loaded man again.
Lastly, but certainly not least, some of my work will be shown with the Running Horse Contemporary Arts Space at stand G3 alongside works by Rasha Kahil, Hiba Kalache and Alfred Tarazi from October 20 -23rd at the Slick 11 art fair taking place at the Palais de Tokyo in Paris. I wonder how much has changed since I was last there as a pre-pubescent. I will find out and try to work through my more than ambitious list of places to go in the little time I have there. Private view is tomorrow (18th Oct) and I guess the 19th might be open to some people too somehow.
That’s all for now.. I will leave you with this little vagina I painted a month or so ago, come in if you wish. haw haw haw.
Boy talks: Henry Boxer Gallery Nick Blinko Outsider Art Pallant House Gallery Rudimentary Peni
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Nick Blinko exhibition…
Nick Blinko is one of my favourite living British artists and so I feel quite privileged to have written an article about him alongside the interview Marc Steene conducted in the latest issue of Pallant House Gallery magazine. This article was published to accommodate Blinko’s first ever solo exhibition (though he has been drawing for over 3 decades) ‘Visions of Pope Adrian 37th’, which is currently on at Pallant House in Chichester, UK. The exhibition is free and if you are intrigued but feel you are based slightly too far away, you can make a day of it and pop into the Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera exhibition also currently showing there. I went along to the joint opening night private view and was blown away by the potency of both shows. It was also great to meet Nick Blinko after having appreciated his work for over a decade. Also coinciding with the show is a very nicely put together book of Blinko drawings, with each drawing published at the original A5 size and in the order that they were produced. Find out about the two editions here.
I first discovered Nick Blinko through hearing his band Rudimentary Peni.. He was/is the singer/guitarist and it’s pretty potent stuff.. check it out also..
Boy talks Uncategorized: Impact Art Fair James Lake Neal Pearce Nick Blinko Outside In Pallant House Gallery
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Outside In
Writing About Writing…
So, I was ambassadoring (not a real word, apparently) for Outside In at the Impact Art Fair today. I got to sit beside a lovely Scottie Wilson painting of some fishies, and talk to people about the Outside In project and how thankful I am to have been involved thus far on several levels. To my surprise, among the many flyers and information sheets about Outside In that we had to give out today, was the latest edition of the Pallant Press, which contains an article I wrote when I was asked to select three Outside In artists in order to ‘curate’ an article accompanied by their images. I chose Nick Blinko, James Lake, and Neal Pearce. To see their work, click on the names in the previous sentence. Read my article here. Another pleasant surprise was that Neal Pearce actually had his own stand at the fair, so I got to meet the man and check out all the work he brought along with him.
A page from Neal Pearce’s Infinite Codex.
- Neal Pearce – Infinite Codex, book 12, page 55